2009 Internationalizing the Campus


In our seventh edition of Internationalizing the Campus: Profiles of Success at Colleges and ­Universities, we feature the institutions selected to receive the Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization. The report cites exemplary practices, model approaches, and major trends describin...

In our seventh edition of Internationalizing the Campus: Profiles of Success at Colleges and ­Universities, we feature the institutions selected to receive the Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization. The report cites exemplary practices, model approaches, and major trends describing the current state of international education on these outstanding U.S. campuses.

This annual publication serves to highlight the power of international education to advance learning and scholarship, develop a globally competent workforce, enhance constructive leadership in the global community, and promote a more just and peaceful world.

Again this year NAFSA received many outstanding nominations for the Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization from a diverse group of distinguished institutions throughout the United States.

In seeking out institutions where international education has been broadly infused across all facets of the institution, the 2009 Selection Jury was tasked with looking for some or all of the following characteristics:

  • The campus has been widely internationalized across schools, divisions, departments, and disciplines.
  • There is evidence of genuine administrative or even board-level support for internationalization.
  • The campus-wide internationalization has had demonstrable results for students.
  • The institution’s mission or planning documents contain an explicit or implicit statement regarding international education.
  • The institution’s commitment to internationalization is reflected in the curriculum.
  • The campus-wide internationalization has had demonstrable results within the faculty.
  • There is an international dimension in off-campus programs and outreach.
  • There is internationalization in research and/or faculty exchange.
  • The institution supports education abroad as well as its international faculty, scholars, and students.

Each of the five institutions chosen by the jury to receive the Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization is profiled in this report. Among the 2009 winners are schools of widely varying sizes and resources: Boston University; Connecticut College in New London, Connecticut; Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Washington; Portland State University in Portland, Oregon; and the University of Minnesota–Twin Cities.

Three other institutions shown in this report received the 2009 Senator Paul Simon Spotlight Award for their outstanding accomplishments in specific areas of internationalization. Berklee College of Music is noted for its robust, in-person, interview-based admissions process on six continents; Fairleigh Dickinson University is recognized for innovative use of technology for faculty development and curriculum internationalization; and the University of California, Davis is acknowledged for groundbreaking academic diplomacy related to Iran and Cuba.

The five institutions winning NAFSA’s Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization were presented with the award at a special ceremony held during NAFSA’s Annual Conference in May 2009 in Los Angeles, California. The late senator served Illinois and the nation as a strong voice for civil rights, peace initiatives, and international understanding. Throughout his career, he was a dedicated advocate for international education, using his positions on various committees in the Senate to advocate for exchange. His leadership in this area was especially evident in his robust support, along with Senator David Boren of Oklahoma, for the creation of the National Security Education Program, which addresses critical national security deficiencies in language and cultural expertise, and his advocacy for legislation to enact the recommendations of the Commission on the Abraham Lincoln Study Abroad Fellowship Program.

We hope that international educators will share this report with their institution’s top leadership—including their trustees—in order to document and underscore the value of international education. Internationalizing the Campus is also of great value in communicating with wider communities and regions. Legislatures and government agencies may find it helpful in discussing and understanding international education and exchange. Finally, we hope that it not only presents knowledge and resources to help improve the practice of international education, but also that it inspires new insights and activities in years to come.



NAFSA gratefully acknowledges the considerable work of five volunteers who constituted the selection jury responsible for choosing the institutions profiled in Internationalizing the Campus 2009: Brian Whalen (Chair), Associate Dean, Associate Professor of International Studies, and Executive ...

NAFSA gratefully acknowledges the considerable work of five volunteers who constituted the selection jury responsible for choosing the institutions profiled in Internationalizing the Campus 2009:

  • Brian Whalen (Chair), Associate Dean, Associate Professor of International Studies, and Executive Director of the Office of Global Education, Dickinson College
  • Riall Nolan, Dean of International Programs, Purdue University
  • Paul Primak, Director International Programs, Oregon University System
  • Ron Roberson, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Howard Community College
  • Priscilla Stone, Director of Overseas Programs and Undergraduate Studies, Washington University in St. Louis

Their careful review of the nominations and thorough deliberations were truly invaluable.

This report was researched and written by Christopher Connell, formerly the national education reporter for The Associated Press (AP), and later assistant chief of the AP Washington Bureau. Mr. Connell is a freelance writer, editor, and consultant who works with foundations, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies. He also contributed many of the fine photographs accompanying the profile articles on the Senator Paul Simon Award winners.

Many thanks go to the representatives of the colleges and universities who participated in the project, including all who submitted nominations. We especially thank the institutions featured in this report for their assistance in helping us research and report their stories.

We continue to be indebted to the family of Paul Simon for lending the late senator’s name to the Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization and the Senator Paul Simon Spotlight Awards, bestowed upon the five and three institutions, respectively, in the 2009 report.

Internationalizing the Campus reports from previous years and information about the competition can be viewed online at www.nafsa.org/itc.

Boston University (BU) is impossible to miss, perched alongside the Charles River in the city that dubs itself the Athens of America. Dorms and lecture halls stand sentry on Commonwealth, and the Boston T trolley doubles as the campus shuttle
Comprehensive Award

Boston University

A favorite destination for international ­students becomes even more global
Boston University (BU) is impossible to miss, perched alongside the Charles River in the city that dubs itself the Athens of America. Dorms and lecture halls stand sentry on Commonwealth, and the Boston T trolley doubles as the campus shuttle

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From its classic, New England campus with the postcard view of New London’s steeples and Long Island Sound, Connecticut College has taken an interdisciplinary approach to ensuring that its 1,900 students learn to become “international citizens,” as
Comprehensive Award

Connecticut College

With iPods and Internships, Connecticut College Holds to an International Course
From its classic, New England campus with the postcard view of New London’s steeples and Long Island Sound, Connecticut College has taken an interdisciplinary approach to ensuring that its 1,900 students learn to become “international citizens,” as

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Pacific Lutheran University’s mission statement fits this liberal arts institution as snugly as a glove: educating students “for lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership, and care—for other persons, for their communities, and for the earth.”
Comprehensive Award

Pacific Lutheran University

Pursues Its Mission on Seven Continents
Pacific Lutheran University’s mission statement fits this liberal arts institution as snugly as a glove: educating students “for lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership, and care—for other persons, for their communities, and for the earth.”

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The motto of Portland State University in Oregon is emblazoned on a sky bridge that spans Broadway, Portland’s main thoroughfare: Let Knowledge Serve The City. “We’d like to change it now to Let Knowledge Serve the Globe,” quips Kevin Kecskes
Comprehensive Award

Portland State University

Serves the City, and Now the World
The motto of Portland State University in Oregon is emblazoned on a sky bridge that spans Broadway, Portland’s main thoroughfare: Let Knowledge Serve The City. “We’d like to change it now to Let Knowledge Serve the Globe,” quips Kevin Kecskes

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With state support shrinking, the University of Minnesota did something that President Robert Bruininks concedes was counterintuitive: it slashed tuition for international students and other nonresidents. Instead of paying $6,000 more than
Comprehensive Award

University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Pursues an International Transformation
With state support shrinking, the University of Minnesota did something that President Robert Bruininks concedes was counterintuitive: it slashed tuition for international students and other nonresidents. Instead of paying $6,000 more than

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Berklee College of Music is teeming with aspiring rock, jazz, R&B, and hip-hop musicians as well as songwriters, sound engineers, and others determined to make careers in contemporary music. They come not only from across the country, but around the
Spotlight Award

Berklee College of Music

Marching to a different drum, Berklee College of Music draws musicians from around the world
Berklee College of Music is teeming with aspiring rock, jazz, R&B, and hip-hop musicians as well as songwriters, sound engineers, and others determined to make careers in contemporary music. They come not only from across the country, but around the

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Students in Jason Scorza’s introductory philosophy classes at Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU) learn how to grapple with life’s questions not only from their professor and textbooks, but from a retired Scotland Yard homicide detective and a
Spotlight Award

Fairleigh Dickinson University

‘Global Virtual Faculty’ to Enrich its Courses
Students in Jason Scorza’s introductory philosophy classes at Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU) learn how to grapple with life’s questions not only from their professor and textbooks, but from a retired Scotland Yard homicide detective and a

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The paltry number of Iranian students studying in the United States deeply troubled University of California, Davis Chancellor Larry Vanderhoef. He remembered the era when Iran sent more students to study in the United States than any other country
Spotlight Award

University of California, Davis

Builds Bridges to the Middle East and Cuba
The paltry number of Iranian students studying in the United States deeply troubled University of California, Davis Chancellor Larry Vanderhoef. He remembered the era when Iran sent more students to study in the United States than any other country

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