2011 Internationalizing the Campus


We are pleased to present our ninth edition of Internationalizing the Campus: Profiles of Success at Colleges and Universities, featuring the institutions selected to receive the Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization. The report cites exemplary practices, model approaches, and maj...

We are pleased to present our ninth edition of Internationalizing the Campus: Profiles of Success at Colleges and Universities, featuring the institutions selected to receive the Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization. The report cites exemplary practices, model approaches, and major trends describing the current state of international education on these outstanding U.S. campuses.

Each year, this publication highlights the power of international education to advance learning and scholarship, develop a globally competent workforce, enhance constructive leadership in the global community, and promote a more just and peaceful world. In seeking out institutions where international education has been broadly infused into all facets of the institution, the 2011 Selection Jury was tasked with looking for some or all of the following characteristics:

  • The campus has been widely internationalized across schools, divisions, departments, and disciplines.
  • There is evidence of genuine administrative or even board-level support for internationalization.
  • The campus-wide internationalization has had demonstrable results for students.
  • The institution’s mission or planning documents contain an explicit or implicit statement regarding international education.
  • The institution’s commitment to internationalization is reflected in the curriculum.
  • The campus-wide internationalization has had demonstrable results within the faculty.
  • There is an international dimension in off-campus programs and outreach.
  • There is internationalization in research and/or faculty exchange.
  • The institution supports education abroad as well as its international faculty, scholars, and students.

NAFSA received many outstanding nominations from a diverse group of distinguished institutions throughout the United States. Each of the five institutions chosen by the jury to receive the Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization—Beloit College in Wisconsin, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Kennesaw State University in Georgia, Macalester College in Minnesota, and New York University—is profiled in this report. Three other institutions that received the Senator Paul Simon Spotlight Award are also featured for their outstanding accomplishments in specific areas of internationalization. Barnard College in New York is recognized for its Visiting International Student Program and Global Symposium, the University of Rhode Island is recognized for its International Engineering Program, and the University of San Diego in California is recognized for its Women PeaceMakers Program. The five award-winning institutions were presented with NAFSA’s Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization at a special ceremony held during NAFSA’s Annual Conference in June 2011 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

The late Senator Paul Simon served Illinois and the nation as a strong voice for civil rights, peace initiatives, and international understanding. Throughout his career, he was a dedicated advocate for international education, using his positions on various committees in the Senate to advocate for exchange. His leadership in this area was especially evident in his robust support, along with Senator David Boren of Oklahoma, for the creation of the National Security Education Program, which addresses critical national security deficiencies in language and cultural expertise, and his advocacy for legislation to enact the recommendations of the Commission on the Abraham Lincoln Study Abroad Fellowship Program.

We hope that international educators will share this report with their institution’s top leadership—including their trustees—in order to underscore the value of international education and explore best practices in internationalization. Internationalizing the Campus is also of great value in communicating with wider communities and regions. Legislatures and government agencies may find it helpful in discussing and understanding international education and exchange. Finally, we hope that it not only presents knowledge and resources to help improve the practice of international education, but also that it inspires new insights and future growth in the field.



NAFSA gratefully acknowledges the considerable work of six volunteers who constituted the selection jury responsible for choosing the institutions profiled in Internationalizing the Campus 2011: Gil Latz (Chair), Portland State University Peter Coclanis, University of North Carolina-Chapel H...

NAFSA gratefully acknowledges the considerable work of six volunteers who constituted the selection jury responsible for choosing the institutions profiled in Internationalizing the Campus 2011:

  • Gil Latz (Chair), Portland State University
  • Peter Coclanis, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
  • André P. Colombat, Loyola University Maryland
  • Thomas D’Agostino, Hobart & William Smith Colleges
  • Sabine Klahr, Chatham University
  • Paul McVeigh, Northern Virginia Community College

Their careful review of the nominations and thorough deliberations were truly invaluable.

This report was researched and written by Christopher Connell, formerly the national education reporter for The Associated Press (AP), and later assistant chief of the AP Washington Bureau. Mr. Connell is a freelance writer, editor, and consultant who works with foundations, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies. He also contributed many of the fine photographs accompanying the profile articles on the Senator Paul Simon Award winners.

Many thanks go to the representatives of the colleges and universities who participated in the project, including all who submitted nominations. We especially thank the institutions featured in this report for their assistance in helping us research and report their stories.

We continue to be indebted to the family of Paul Simon for lending the late senator’s name to the Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization and the Senator Paul Simon Spotlight Awards, bestowed upon the five and three institutions, respectively, in the 2011 report.

Internationalizing the Campus reports from previous years and information about the competition can be viewed online at www.nafsa.org/itc.

Like a championship basketball team from the past, the first dozen Beloit College students who flew off to Europe in 1960 are still remembered and celebrated at the Wisconsin campus as “the Brussels Sprouts” who set the pace for study abroad. Beloit
Comprehensive Award

Beloit College

A Sharp Focus on the Outcomes of Education Abroad
Like a championship basketball team from the past, the first dozen Beloit College students who flew off to Europe in 1960 are still remembered and celebrated at the Wisconsin campus as “the Brussels Sprouts” who set the pace for study abroad. Beloit

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The unwieldy name of Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) recalls its 1969 birth as an institution combining the Indiana University School of Medicine and allied schools with the extension branch of the Purdue School of
Comprehensive Award

Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

Choosing Partners Carefully for an Urban Research University
The unwieldy name of Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) recalls its 1969 birth as an institution combining the Indiana University School of Medicine and allied schools with the extension branch of the Purdue School of

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Kennesaw State University’s transformation from junior college to Georgia’s third largest university took only a few decades. It is still growing, adding its first doctoral degrees and building dorms so more than just 4,000 of its 22,000 students can
Comprehensive Award

Kennesaw State

A Quest to Enhance Quality Spurs Global Learning
Kennesaw State University’s transformation from junior college to Georgia’s third largest university took only a few decades. It is still growing, adding its first doctoral degrees and building dorms so more than just 4,000 of its 22,000 students can

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Macalester College’s determined global outlook can be seen and heard on even a short stroll around the 53-acre campus in a leafy St. Paul, Minnesota, neighborhood not far from where F. Scott Fitzgerald grew up. The flag of the United Nations flies
Comprehensive Award

Macalester College

Developing Socially Responsible Globa Clitizens and Leaders
Macalester College’s determined global outlook can be seen and heard on even a short stroll around the 53-acre campus in a leafy St. Paul, Minnesota, neighborhood not far from where F. Scott Fitzgerald grew up. The flag of the United Nations flies

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New York University’s prodigious number of international students (7,200) and participation in education abroad (4,300) have long solidified its place among the most international U.S. universities. Now it has laid claim to the title of the world’s
Comprehensive Award

New York University

Planting Its Violet Flags in Far Corners of the World
New York University’s prodigious number of international students (7,200) and participation in education abroad (4,300) have long solidified its place among the most international U.S. universities. Now it has laid claim to the title of the world’s

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Living space is at a premium in the middle of New York City, even in the dorms at Barnard College. But every spring there were empty beds in those residences when Barnard students headed abroad for a semester. Wouldn’t it be nice, administrators
Spotlight Award

Barnard College

Reaps Dividends From a Novel Approach to Bringing in International Students
Living space is at a premium in the middle of New York City, even in the dorms at Barnard College. But every spring there were empty beds in those residences when Barnard students headed abroad for a semester. Wouldn’t it be nice, administrators

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Kafka scholar John Grandin could see the writing on the wall midway through his four decade career as a professor of German at the University of Rhode Island (URI): enrollments in language classes were shrinking and so were positions on the faculty
Spotlight Award

University of Rhode Island

A Marriage of Engineering and Language Study Produces
Kafka scholar John Grandin could see the writing on the wall midway through his four decade career as a professor of German at the University of Rhode Island (URI): enrollments in language classes were shrinking and so were positions on the faculty

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When the University of San Diego opened its Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice, its leaders wanted to not just teach about human rights but to make a genuine contribution to solving conflicts in strife-torn countries. They came up with the
Spotlight Award

University of San Diego

Provides Respite From Strife for Women Peacemakers
When the University of San Diego opened its Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice, its leaders wanted to not just teach about human rights but to make a genuine contribution to solving conflicts in strife-torn countries. They came up with the

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