2018 Internationalizing the Campus


NAFSA's 16th annual report, Internationalizing the Campus: Profiles of Success at Colleges and Universities, reflects the continued growth in support of campus internationalization from campuses around the country since the creation of the Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization. ...

NAFSA's 16th annual report, Internationalizing the Campus: Profiles of Success at Colleges and Universities, reflects the continued growth in support of campus internationalization from campuses around the country since the creation of the Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization.

Each year, the selection committee receives an increasingly competitive number of applications from diverse universities across the United States. The committee seeks institutions where international-ization has been broadly infused into all facets of the campus. The 2018 award-winning institutions feature the following characteristics:

  • The campus has been widely internationalized across schools, divisions, departments, and disciplines.
  • There is evidence of genuine administrative or board-level support for internationalization.
  • The campuswide internationalization has had demonstrable impact on students.
  • The institution’s mission statement contains an explicit or implicit statement regarding internationalization and/or global learning.
  • The institution supports education abroad as well as its international faculty, scholars, and students.
  • There are programs or initiatives that are innovative and/or creative in their approach to campus internationalization. The institution’s commitment to internationalization includes the faculty and is reflected in the curriculum.
  • There is an international dimension in off-campus programs, community engagement, and successful strategic partnerships.
  • There is internationalization in research and/or faculty exchange.

NAFSA received many outstanding nominations from a diverse group of distinguished institutions. Five institutions were awarded the Comprehensive Award and are profiled in this report. They are: Babson College, St. Lawrence University, Stony Brook University, Texas Tech University, and the University of Florida. Three additional institutions received the Senator Paul Simon Spotlight Award for their outstand-ing accomplishments in a specific area of internationalization. They include: Baldwin Wallace University for its BW in Zambia program, Harper College for its Global Region of Focus Initiative, and the University of Georgia for its UGA-Minas Gerais Joint Research Partnership.

The Simon Award celebrates the legacy of the late Senator Paul Simon of Illinois, a lifelong advocate for international education and exchange, recognizing universities and programs that promote inter-national understanding and a more just and peaceful world. NAFSA continues to support the Senator Paul Simon Study Abroad Act, which would create a program to incentivize institutional change to make study abroad an integral part of higher education. The Simon Study Abroad Act would advance the goal of ensuring that 1 million U.S. college students will study abroad annually for credit; that study abroad participants will be representative of the undergraduate population in terms of gender, ethnicity, income level, and field of study; and that a significantly greater proportion of study abroad will occur in nontraditional destinations.

We hope that international educators will share this report with their institution’s top leadership and across all levels of their campus community to celebrate the value of well-planned and well-executed international education efforts and to broaden the reach of best practices in internationalization. Internationalizing the Campus is also of great value in connecting with communities beyond the cam-pus. Legislatures and government agencies may find it a helpful tool in discussing and understanding international education and exchange.

NAFSA congratulates each institution recognized in the 2018 Internationalizing the Campus report for its outstanding work. These institutions truly recognize the importance of international education in the world today and building a globally competent workforce in the increasingly globalized economy.



NAFSA acknowledges and is very appreciative of the considerable work of the five member-leaders from prior Senator Paul Simon Award campuses who constituted the selection committee responsible for determining the institutions profiled in Internationalizing the Campus 2018: Schuyler Korban (Cha...

NAFSA acknowledges and is very appreciative of the considerable work of the five member-leaders from prior Senator Paul Simon Award campuses who constituted the selection committee responsible for determining the institutions profiled in Internationalizing the Campus 2018:

  • Schuyler Korban (Chair), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Ariel Armony, University of Pittsburgh
  • Marca Bear, The University of Tampa
  • Cynthia Green, Florida State University
  • Denise Kinsella, Santa Monica College

Their careful review of the nominations and thorough deliberations were truly invaluable.

This report was researched and written by Charlotte West, a freelance writer based in Denver, Colorado. A former Fulbright scholar, she has been a contributing writer for NAFSA’s International Educator magazine since 2007.

Many thanks go to the representatives of the colleges and universities who participated in the project, including all who submitted nominations. We especially thank the institutions featured in this report for their assistance in helping us research and report their stories.

We continue to be indebted to the family of Paul Simon for lending the late senator’s name to the Senator Paul Simon Award for Comprehensive Internationalization and the Senator Paul Simon Spotlight Award, bestowed upon the five and three institutions, respectively, in the 2018 report.

Internationalizing the Campus reports from previous years and information about the competition can be viewed online at www.nafsa.org/itc.

The mission of Babson College is to educate entrepreneurial leaders who create great economic and social value—everywhere. Recognized as one of the top entrepreneurship schools in the United States, Babson draws more than 1,000 international students
Comprehensive Award

Babson College

Educating Global Entrepreneurs at Babson College
The mission of Babson College is to educate entrepreneurial leaders who create great economic and social value—everywhere. Recognized as one of the top entrepreneurship schools in the United States, Babson draws more than 1,000 international students

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At first glance, St. Lawrence University might give the impression that it is an institution far removed from the rest of the world. Founded in 1856 in Canton—a town of 10,000 in upstate New York— St. Lawrence is a private liberal arts institution
Comprehensive Award

St. Lawrence University

St. Lawrence University Offers a Global Gateway to the World
At first glance, St. Lawrence University might give the impression that it is an institution far removed from the rest of the world. Founded in 1856 in Canton—a town of 10,000 in upstate New York— St. Lawrence is a private liberal arts institution

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Stony Brook University’s reach extends far beyond its campus on Long Island, New York. As part of the State University of New York (SUNY) system, Stony Brook has leveraged its position as a public research university to develop strategic partnerships
Comprehensive Award

Stony Brook University

Stony Brook University Extends Its Global Engagement Through International Partnerships
Stony Brook University’s reach extends far beyond its campus on Long Island, New York. As part of the State University of New York (SUNY) system, Stony Brook has leveraged its position as a public research university to develop strategic partnerships

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In May 2018, a delegation of senior administrators led by Lawrence Schovanec, president of Texas Tech University (TTU), arrived in Costa Rica with scissors in hand. They were there for the ribbon cutting ceremony at TTU’s first international degree
Comprehensive Award

Texas Tech University

Texas Tech Advances a Global Vision in West Texas
In May 2018, a delegation of senior administrators led by Lawrence Schovanec, president of Texas Tech University (TTU), arrived in Costa Rica with scissors in hand. They were there for the ribbon cutting ceremony at TTU’s first international degree

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As one of the country’s largest comprehensive research institutions, the University of Florida (UF) not only attracts talented international students and scholars, but it also leverages its research strengths in areas such as agriculture and public
Comprehensive Award

University of Florida

Internationalizing the Gator Nation in the University of Florida’s Quest for Excellence
As one of the country’s largest comprehensive research institutions, the University of Florida (UF) not only attracts talented international students and scholars, but it also leverages its research strengths in areas such as agriculture and public

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When Caitlyn Wessels traveled to Zambia with her fellow classmates from Baldwin Wallace University (BW), she wasn’t just going abroad—she was going home. A native Zambian, Wessels is a student enrolled in BW’s master’s of science in speech-language
Spotlight Award

Baldwin Wallace University

Baldwin Wallace University Builds Sustainable Links in Zambia
When Caitlyn Wessels traveled to Zambia with her fellow classmates from Baldwin Wallace University (BW), she wasn’t just going abroad—she was going home. A native Zambian, Wessels is a student enrolled in BW’s master’s of science in speech-language

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Students at William Rainey Harper College (Harper), a community college in Palatine, Illinois, gain new perspectives on themselves and their place in the world through the lens of a single region. Built on faculty professional development, curriculum
Spotlight Award

Harper College

A Global Focus Drives Campus Internationalization at Harper College
Students at William Rainey Harper College (Harper), a community college in Palatine, Illinois, gain new perspectives on themselves and their place in the world through the lens of a single region. Built on faculty professional development, curriculum

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As an ecologist studying vector-borne diseases, Courtney Murdock had long been interested in conducting research in Brazil, which made headlines around the world in 2015 due to the Zika virus epidemic. Her opportunity to travel to Brazil came in 2016
Spotlight Award

University of Georgia

University of Georgia Builds Data-Driven Research Partnerships in Brazil
As an ecologist studying vector-borne diseases, Courtney Murdock had long been interested in conducting research in Brazil, which made headlines around the world in 2015 due to the Zika virus epidemic. Her opportunity to travel to Brazil came in 2016

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