NAFSA Bookstore

The NAFSA Bookstore features a wide variety of practice-related and thought-provoking publications written by leading experts in international education. Find the professional resources you need to stay informed with NAFSA’s books, posters, student guides, and more. Search for titles and subjects relevant to your needs.


Subjects Selected: International Students and Scholars

Factors Influencing U.S. Int'l Student Enrollment Growth cover
NAFSA, in partnership with APLU and INTO, conducted a longitudinal analysis of factors influencing international student enrollment at U.S. higher education institutions to produce Factors Influencing International Student Enrollment Growth and Decline: A Multi-Factor Analysis of 2 Decades of Data
Friendship With An American Host
Friendship With An American Host: A Guide for International Students at U.S. Colleges and Universities is a handy guide designed for international students. This booklet provides insight into common U.S. customs as well as ways in which international students can engage with their host and peers and
Guidelines Ethical Practices Recruitment
Guidelines for Ethical Practices in International Student Recruitment is a training guide for international education administrators seeking to improve the ethics of their recruitment practices. Part 1 provides an overview of the topic from knowledgeable administrators and practitioners and includes
Health and Wellness Book Cover
Health and Wellness: A Guide to Health Care in the United States provides international students and scholars with information on the U.S. health care system and payment structure, when and how to find medical care, emotional and psychological health, and health care for dependents, among many other
International Parents' Guide to U.S. High School
International Parents' Guide to U.S. High Schools: A Guide to Secondary School Study was written expressly for the parents of international high school students studying in the United States. It includes up-to-date information on issues such as educational program options, predeparture documentation
ITC 2023
NAFSA's 21st annual report cites exemplary practices, model approaches, and major trends shaping the current state of international education on U.S. campuses. Four institutions, from a strong and diverse set of nominees, were chosen to receive the Senator Paul Simon Award for Comprehensive
Intro to American Life for High School Students
Introduction to American Life for High School Students: A Guide to American Culture, Adjustment, and Engagement offers tips and insights for navigating life in the United States as an international high school student. It includes a helpful table listing different resources that students can turn to
Cover of Introduction to Life in the United States
Introduction to Life in the United States: A Guide to Common Customs and Values in the United States is written to help international students adjust to living and learning in a new country. Topics include: the U.S. legal system, relationship dynamics, communication styles, and attitudes toward time