Cathy Lee T. Arcuino

Executive Director, Global Engagement
Wilkes University
Co-Leader, Communications & Engagement (Regional Outreach), IEL KC

Dr. Cathy Lee T. Arcuino is the Executive Director of Global Engagement at Wilkes University and oversees International Student and Scholar Services, International Enrollment Management, Education Abroad, the English Language Center and leads campus wide internationalization efforts. She was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Kazakhstan, taught English for several years in Japan, Thailand and Poland, worked for a non-governmental organization in Kyrgyzstan and participated in the Fulbright International Educator Administrator Program to Japan. Cathy Lee received her Masters in Education from Framingham State College and has her PhD in Education and Human Resource Studies from Colorado State University. Additionally, Cathy Lee is a NAFSA Academy graduate, is a member of the NAFSA Training Corps, was an Academy Coach and has held other NAFSA positions regionally and nationally.