
Emily Tse, MPhil

Director of Evaluations
International Education Research Foundation (IERF)

Emily is the director of evaluations at International Education Research Foundation (IERF). Prior to joining IERF, she received an MPhil in classics from Cambridge University. Active in the field of international comparative education for over 15 years, Emily has presented at many conferences at the regional, national and international level, such as those held by American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO), the Groningen Declaration Network, the International Association of College Admission Counseling, NAFSA: Association of International Educators, and NAGAP – The Association for Graduate Enrollment Management.

Emily has also contributed to numerous publications, which include IERF’s Country Index series, NAGAP’s Perspectives News magazine and TAICEP TALK. For over a decade, since 2007, she has also served as the credentials co-editor for the IEM Spotlight newsletter, a resource provided for the admissions and recruitment community at NAFSA. In 2009, she was a recipient of the Pioneer Research Grant. In 2019, she was named by NAFSA as the recipient for the Annual Award for Outstanding Contributions to International Enrollment Management.