
John K. Hudzik, PhD

John K. Hudzik, PhD, retired from Michigan State University (MSU) in January 2021. He was MSU dean and vice president of international programs from 1995 to 2010 and acting university provost in 2005. He is a past president and chair of the NAFSA Board of Directors, past president of the Association of International Education Administrators, and Fulbright senior scholar to Australia. Hudzik serves on numerous boards and publishes on an array of internationalization topics, including comprehensive internationalization, outcome assessment, and internationalization reform. He speaks frequently at global conferences and has conducted research and provided project consultations in scores of countries. He is a recipient of national and international awards in internationalization, including the European Association for International Education Transatlantic Leadership Award; the International Education Association of Australia Excellence Award for Distinguished Contribution to International Education; the Association of International Education Administrators Charles Klasek Award for Outstanding Service to International Education; and the U.S. Chief Justice Warren E. Burger Award for Sustained Excellence and Leadership in Judicial-Branch Education. He is currently chair of the Centre for Higher Education Internationalisation Academic Board at Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore in Milan, and a member of the strategic internationalization grants review committee for STINT (the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education).In 2021 John received NAFSA Life Membership.  This status conferred on past NAFSA Presidents and Chairs of the Board of Directors at the first annual conference after the announcement of their retirement from professional responsibilities in international education.   Life Members receive regular membership privileges and a waiver of annual dues and Annual Conference registration fees