July + August 2017

Beyond Justification
David Tobenkin
Successful international education professionals match the efficacy of their work with a robust set of metrics and messaging to make the field’s stories and data hit home.
Science: Why Diversity Matters
Vicki Valosik
A critical mass of research findings is pointing toward the quantitative and qualitative advantages of greater geographical and ethnic diversity, including stronger research and more innovation.
Magnet Schools?
As India expands internal capacity and launches new initiatives to attract top international students, U.S. universities are watching closely.
The IE Interview
Isabel Wilkerson: Parallels Between U.S. History and the Current Era
Isabel Wilkerson, the Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist and NAFSA 2017 Annual Conference & Expo plenary speaker, discusses the perspective her work, her travels, and her study of U.S. history have given her on the world and international higher education.
Practice Area Column
International Students and Scholars
How to Retain International Students
Menachem Wecker
Institutions are finding that the solution to retaining international student lies in thorough preparation, attending to international students’ specific practical needs, and properly leveraging expertise.
Practice Area Column
Education Abroad
Getting Creative
Mark Toner
Institutions are developing new opportunities to help students afford study abroad.
Global Spotlight: Indonesia
With a growing economy, nascent middle class, and the fifth-largest population in the world, Indonesia makes a rich potential recruiting and partnership destination, but a closer look at some key numbers reveals a more nuanced picture.
Practice Area Column
International Enrollment Management
How to Create a Successful International Recruitment Plan
Julie Sinclair, PhD
Creating an international recruitment plan is both science and art: It needs to be grounded in good data, both external and institutional, and it requires creativity to incorporate that data into institutional priorities and goals.
Seeing the World with Open Eyes
Texas A&M University professor and former international student Kuang-An Chang helped lead the university’s first civil engineering study abroad program to Taiwan last year, guiding 14 students on their five-week academic and cultural experience in and around his undergraduate alma mater.
Let’s Have More Difficult Discussions
Nadia De Leon
Study abroad, international education, and intercultural education are experiential learning avenues offered to students as a rich opportunity to fulfill a general education course requirement on diversity while having a life-changing experience.

About International Educator

International Educator is NAFSA’s flagship publication and has been published continually since 1990. As a record of the association and the field of international education, IE includes articles on a variety of topics, trends, and issues facing NAFSA members and their work. 

From in-depth features to interviews with thought leaders and columns tailored to NAFSA’s knowledge communities, IE provides must-read context and analysis to those working around the globe to advance international education and exchange.


NAFSA: Association of International Educators is the world's largest nonprofit association dedicated to international education and exchange. NAFSA serves the needs of more than 10,000 members and international educators worldwide at more than 3,500 institutions, in over 150 countries.

NAFSA membership provides you with unmatched access to best-in-class programs, critical updates, and resources to professionalize your practice. Members gain unrivaled opportunities to partner with experienced international education leaders.