Lily Von Klemperer
Lily von Klemperer posing with a copy of "The New Guide to Study Abroad," which she co-authored.

At NAFSA's 1988 annual conference, Lilian von Klemperer herself was the very first recipient of the Lily von Klemperer Award. Lily was founder of the education abroad profession during the mid-twentieth century and for years continued to be a true mainstay for the growing numbers of professionals in that new field. The inspiration, guidance, and training that she provided to all in education abroad is impossible to overestimate.

It was understood in 1988 that the award would eventually be presented by the Education Abroad Knowledge Community (EAKC) in Lily's name at NAFSA annual conferences to worthy education abroad professionals who are seen still to have years to devote to the profession. The "LvK" Award seeks to recognize people who, like Lily, have "brought other [education abroad professionals] along" in the field and who maintain the highest standards of professional ethics while sharing their skills, knowledge, and expertise with all colleagues.

Nominations for the 2024 EAKC awards are open! Nominations for the 2024 awards will closed on February 1, 2024.

Katherine Mary Meyer

University of Minnesota
Chair, EA RP Committee
Katherine Mary, "Kate", has been in international education for over a decade in various forms: study abroad student from a low-socioeconomic/rural/first-gen background, EFL teacher, financial aid admin, and within study abroad offices. Their experience and years of service have led to concentrated...

Todd Goen

Virginia Military Institute
2023 Academy Chair
Todd Lee Goen is Director of International Programs and Senior International Officer at Virginia Military Institute where he oversees education abroad, international student and scholar support services, and strategic planning for campus internationalization. Prior to VMI, Goen held full-time...

Chelsea Kindred

Academic Programs International (API)
Chelsea Kindred, MFA, is senior director of co-curricular learning, engagement, and assessment at Academic Programs International (API) where she develops and manages curriculum design and digital learning environments, including the API Learning and Engagement digital badge program, to engage...
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