
Mariella Olivos, PhD

Associate Director Undergraduate Programs
University ESAN, Peru

Mariella Olivos, PhD, is associate director of undergraduate programs at Universidad ESAN, a private not-for-profit University in Lima, Peru. In addition to managing the internationalization of the bachelor programs, she is assistant professor in the School of Economics and Management. She is also executive coordinator at CLADEA (the Latin American Council of Management Schools) the network for the development of management education in the Latin American region that joins more than 200 international institutions and business school. She is also a representative of ESAN in the board of NIBES (Network of International Business Schools) and site on the board of EQUAL (Education Quality Link) representing CLADEA. She earned her PhD from Tilburg University in the Netherlands, holds an MBA from University du Quebec at Montreal, Canada, a MSc in economics from Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molina in Peru (UNAM), and a bachelor's degree in economics from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, (PUCP).

Olivos is the former general coordinator of REDIPERU (The Network for Internationalization at Peruvian Universities) (2019-2020). Her research interests include internationalization strategies in higher education, entrepreneurship, global education, information management, virtual teams, cross-cultural studies. Her teaching experience is in entrepreneurship, intercultural management, and global environment for business.