In Honor of Cassandra Pyle

2023 Recipient Cynthia Green

The NAFSA International Education Award for Leadership and Collaboration honors the contributions of an international educator to international exchange on a global scale. This award extends NAFSA's recognition of international exchange efforts beyond the organization and the profession in the United States to include exchange work around the world. The Awardee will have had a lengthy commitment to the field as demonstrated by leadership positions in, and significant contributions to, organizations that foster international exchange.  NAFSA welcomes nominations from the United States and from the international education community worldwide. Only one Leadership & Collaboration Award can be bestowed each year.

This award is given in honor of Cassandra Pyle, a leader in the field of international education and exchange for more than 25 years. Pyle served in positions at the Council for International Exchange of Scholars, the American Council on Education, the Institute of International Education, and the University of Chicago. She served as president of NAFSA from 1978-79. Pyle also served on U.S. and international boards including the U.S. National Commission on UNESCO and the Council on Foreign Relations. She was well known worldwide as a champion of international relations and a leader in fostering better international understanding through collaboration.

Nominations for the 2023 awards closed on February 1. Nominations for the 2024 awards will be accepted in late fall.

Cynthia Green, EdD

Florida State University
Cynthia Green is the director of the Center for Global Engagement (CGE) at Florida State University (FSU). She initiated university-wide efforts to internationalize the campus and to create a globally rich learning environment where all students can increase their global awareness and interact with...

Hilary Landorf, PhD

Florida International University
Hilary Landorf is the Assistant Vice President of Global Learning Initiatives at Florida International University (FIU). In this position, she oversees FIU’s university-wide initiative, Global Learning for Global Citizenship, recipient of NAFSA’s 2021 Paul Simon Award for Comprehensive...

David Levin

U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
David Levin had served as a Senior Program Manager in the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs since 1999, overseeing selected worldwide Fulbright Scholar Programs, and is the Fulbright Program alumni liaison. In addition, he leads the Bureau’s diversity and...
Criteria for Nomination
Benefits and Recognition
All Past Recipients