Updated May 2023

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Office of International Affairs

  • Revise and Update the Department’s International Education Strategy in Collaboration with the U.S. Department of State.
    The Department first published its international education strategy, Succeeding Globally Through International Education and Engagement in 2012 and revised it in 2018. The strategy pledges support for international education with the dual goals of advancing U.S. international priorities and strengthening U.S. education. NAFSA encourages the Department to review and develop a more comprehensive strategy with respect to global education and study abroad in collaboration with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and its USA Study Abroad Branch. A refreshed strategy developed in collaboration with the State Department would help ensure every student has access to a quality education that will prepare them for the global workforce into which they will graduate.


    • On July 26, 2021, the U.S. Departments of State and Education, with support from the U.S. Departments of Commerce and Homeland Security, released a "Joint Statement of Principles in Support of International Education", outlining their shared commitment to promoting international education, and to undertaking actions to support a renewed focus on international education.

    • In March 2022, the Department of Education published an updated version of Succeeding Globally Through International Education and Engagement, reaffirming the Department's commitment to international education.

    • In January 2023, Secretary Cardona announces the U.S. Department of Education's "Raise the Bar: Lead the World" Initiative, which includes creating pathways for global engagement for every student, with with an emphasis on multilingualism. 

Office of Postsecondary Education

  • Support Increased Funding for Title VI Programs.
    NAFSA supports increased financial support for Title VI programs as authorized under the Higher Education Act and the Fulbright-Hays Act. These programs provide grants and fellowship opportunities for U.S. students to strengthen foreign language learning and area/international studies, as well as providing critical teaching resources. Title VI programs are the most comprehensive federal program in support of international education and provide infrastructure critical to maintaining international and foreign language learning.

    • UPDATE: The FY2024 proposed budget for the Department requests funding at the same level as FY 2023 for Title VI and Fulbright-Hays programming: $85.7 million, including $75.4 million for Title VI and $10.3 million fo Fulbright-Hays.