Practice Area Column

The Regulatory Horizon for International Student and Scholar Programs This Fall: What to Watch

NAFSA’s Director, Regulatory Practice Liaison, Steve Springer, gives an update on what international educators can expect this fall regarding duration of status and Optional Practical Training (OPT), as well as other developments to watch.
NAFSA’s International Student and Scholar Regulatory Practice Committee (ISS RP) is watching a variety of emerging regulatory practice issues and concerns this fall. Illustration: Shutterstock
Steve Springer

I don’t know about you, but I’m hoping that this fall is far less eventful than this past spring and summer. As usual, though, NAFSA’s International Student and Scholar Regulatory Practice Committee (ISS RP) is watching a variety of emerging regulatory practice issues and concerns and will continue to provide updates on NAFSA’s website. This column highlights a few important updates as the fall semester ramps up.

Agency Sessions Available This Fall

Let’s start with a positive development. Although most virtual NAFSA regional events in 2020 have too few available slots to accommodate the usual array of agency-focused sessions, there will still be opportunities to hear from most of the agencies this fall. NAFSA is coordinating with each agency to record a virtual session and make the recordings available through NAFSA’s website in late October. 

Only one agency has declined the invitation, and at least one agency that usually does not participate in regional conferences has agreed to participate. ISS RP has worked diligently to gather questions and concerns from the field, and we have used this feedback to develop the agenda for each session. ISS RP members will also serve as panelists. Stay tuned for more information about accessing the recordings.

Proposed Rules on Duration of Status and Unlawful Presence

Far less positive is the anticipated proposed rule to eliminate duration of status for F and J nonimmigrants. The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) received the proposed rule from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on

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