Education Abroad

Miko McFarland
An excerpt from the forthcoming book NAFSA’s Guide to Education Abroad, Fifth Edition, highlights the skill of budget management.
Esther D. Brimmer, DPhil
Enhancing inclusion in international education creates life-changing experiences that span generations.
Mark Toner
Eight ways partnerships and student outreach can help make international experiences a core component of the student experience.
Five strategies to attract more overseas students.
Francisco Marmolejo
International educators must become active participants in building a new future for the field.
Karen Doss Bowman
Tips for international educators—especially those in leadership positions—to identify and address burnout at work.
Mark Toner
Study abroad programs can leverage data in new ways—and from new sources on campus.
Jill Allen Murray, MPA, Erica Stewart
What you should know about the Biden administration's Joint Statement of Principles for international education.
Karen Doss Bowman
Many institutions are ramping up their study abroad offerings, beginning with faculty-led programs—and finding the best faculty members for the task is essential.
John Gallagher
The future of education abroad is likely a mix of new virtual options and pre-COVID in-person elements.