International Enrollment Management

News and updates from the world of international education.
John Gallagher
Customer relationship management (CRM) systems have myriad capabilities that many institutions do not use to their full advantage. A refresher on the basic functions and best practices can alleviate some of the burden on international office staff.
Dana Wilkie
More than half of the 1.2 billion people living in India are younger than 25 years old, and there are far more high school students seeking college spots than there are Indian universities to accommodate them.
Meredith Bell
With Chile’s new tuition-free program, more low-income students across the country are pursuing higher education than ever. However, the program’s shortcomings illustrate the complexity of implementing similar programs in other countries.
Jessica Sandberg, MA
In the United States, many higher education institutions are turning their recruitment sights on secondary schools as a valuable and cost-effective source of international students.
Meredith Bell
News and updates from the world of international education.
Mark Toner
Call them satellite campuses, global campuses, or branch campuses—whatever the term, these international campuses continue to innovate to meet students’ needs and create additional revenue streams for their home campus.
Charlotte West
Community colleges, with their unique challenges and opportunities, stake their place in the international student recruitment landscape by building on existing strengths and finding ways to differentiate themselves.
Phil Manzano
Graduate school admissions in the United States have declined in recent years, but institutions are creating new programs, degrees, and partnerships to overcome admissions obstacles and keep international graduate students coming.
Ashish Fernando, Ben Waxman, MBA
With some context and recommendations for best practices, international educators can choose the right artificial intelligence tools for their needs.