International Enrollment Management

Hal Conick
Get personal and think creatively to attract international students and keep them engaged, say enrollment management professionals.
Eddie West, MA
Addressing greenhouse gas emissions from aviation is a defining challenge, and opportunity, of the next 10 years for international enrollment management practitioners.
Angel B. Pérez, PhD
The short- and long-term effects of test-optional policies to boost equity and access.
Jessica Sandberg, MA
Practical steps to address threats to, and advocate for, IEM during the pandemic.
John Gallagher
The pandemic forced institutions to make quick decisions about their testing policies, and the long-term effects are yet to be seen.
Mark Toner
As international students stay home, the financial impact of the pandemic on U.S. institutions could exceed $3 billion. Short-term strategies can lead to long-term successes.
Karen Doss Bowman
Expanding virtual recruitment and finding new ways to collaborate can help enrollment professionals adapt to the new normal.
Mark Toner
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has rocked international education. Here’s a look at how some institutions are responding.
John Gallagher
How to turn vendors into valued collaborators in international enrollment efforts.
Charlotte West
Intensive English programs are expanding their offerings and rethinking the role they can play in higher education.