International Student and Scholar Services

Karen Doss Bowman
Postgraduate employability tops most international students’ list of criteria when choosing a country or institution for their studies. In the United States, how are institutions meeting students’ expectations around career prospects?
Karen Doss Bowman
The United States remains the top destination for international students—and they arrive with high expectations for academic success, professional development, and personal growth. Are U.S. institutions meeting these expectations?
Karen Doss Bowman
All-women’s colleges cultivate confidence and leadership skills in international students.
News and updates from the world of international education.
With a growing economy, nascent middle class, and the fifth-largest population in the world, Indonesia makes a rich potential recruiting and partnership destination, but a closer look at some key numbers reveals a more nuanced picture.
Menachem Wecker
Institutions are finding that the solution to retaining international student lies in thorough preparation, attending to international students’ specific practical needs, and properly leveraging expertise.
As India expands internal capacity and launches new initiatives to attract top international students, U.S. universities are watching closely.
Vicki Valosik
A critical mass of research findings is pointing toward the quantitative and qualitative advantages of greater geographical and ethnic diversity, including stronger research and more innovation.
David Tobenkin
Successful international education professionals match the efficacy of their work with a robust set of metrics and messaging to make the field’s stories and data hit home.
Meredith Bell
News and updates from the world of international education.