Practice Area Column

Karen Doss Bowman
Educators can use intercultural learning tools to advance both concepts.
Karen Doss Bowman
How ISSS offices can support this student population, which is expected to grow in coming years.
John Gallagher
Turnover in leadership on campus presents challenges for SIOs—and opportunities as well.
Mark Toner
To emphasize career skills, education abroad programs must look beyond overseas experiences—and their immediate rewards.
Mark Toner
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals paint an aspirational vision of the future. They also can provide a practical point of entry for internationalization across multiple disciplines.
John Gallagher
Bringing the human touch to recruitment, admissions, and beyond is the key to making sure international students succeed.
John Gallagher
How education abroad offices can limit the environmental impacts of study abroad programs on their host communities.
Charlotte West
With a growing number of Indian students on U.S. campuses, there are several ways for international offices to better support this population.
Mark Toner
Rethinking recruiting and retention in the international office as the world reopens.
Mark Toner
The return to in-person recruiting will not be the same. Here’s how some institutions are thinking through the dynamics.