Practice Area Column

Megan Stolz
Faculty-led programs can add value to students’ experience abroad and benefit faculty members. The most effective of these programs begin with recruiting the right faculty and equipping them to succeed.
STEM students participate in hands-on experiences abroad.
Karen Doss Bowman
All-women’s colleges cultivate confidence and leadership skills in international students.
Julie Sinclair, PhD
Creating an international recruitment plan is both science and art: It needs to be grounded in good data, both external and institutional, and it requires creativity to incorporate that data into institutional priorities and goals.
Menachem Wecker
Institutions are finding that the solution to retaining international student lies in thorough preparation, attending to international students’ specific practical needs, and properly leveraging expertise.
Mark Toner
Institutions are developing new opportunities to help students afford study abroad.
Jenny Rogers
Many U.S. colleges and universities are revising their international student recruitment approaches to reach more students in Africa.
John T. Crist
Among the many thousands of types of cross-border educational collaborations, the international branch campus is the most substantial and elaborate.
Menachem Wecker
To help these students succeed and feel welcome, institutions create networks of student services aimed at supporting them in ways both small and large.
Charlotte West
Education abroad has traditionally been seen as something that students pursue only when they become juniors or seniors, but administrators are increasingly encouraging sophomores and even freshmen to go abroad.