Program Development and Delivery


Higher Education in Iraq Higher education in Iraq suffered in the aftermath of U.S. military action, but U.S. colleges and universities are building partnerships to help rebuild higher education opportunities for Iraqis. Iraq has suffered from decades of isolation and war, capped by the U.S.-led
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Global Learning Rubric

Developed from the 2013 NAFSA Annual Conference session, Defining Global Learning and Aligning Curricular Pathways presented by Kevin Hovland, AACU, the Global Learning Rubric offers a common vocabulary for defining global learning and for identifying the kinds of skills and knowledge associated
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About Senator Paul Simon

The late Senator Paul Simon of Illinois served his state and the nation as a strong voice for civil rights, prison literacy, peace initiatives, and international education. He was a strong advocate throughout his career for international education, using his positions on various committees in the
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Study Abroad in U.S. Business Management Education

This paper examines the international programs being developed at four business and management institutions: University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Duke University Fuqua School of Business, UCLA Center for International Business Education and Research, and Kennesaw State University and the
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