Roopa Rawjee, EdD
As an international educator, I center self-reflection and change to better serve others.
Robb McCollum
How volunteering at a NAFSA conference led to instrumental advances in my career as an international educator—and gave me a sense of belonging and purpose.
Katie Wiggins-Gawlik
As international educators, we must step forward with courage, curiosity, and a willingness to embrace the unknown.
Katie Pazda
Various roles and experiences set me on my career journey in international education—and I have high hopes for newcomers to the field.
Karen Bauer
A high school experience in Japan forever changed the trajectory of my life.
John Hildebrand
Creating positive change in small and big ways will ensure international education’s lasting impact on the future.
Christopher Caldwell
My adviser’s actions and encouragement set me on a path to positively impact others.
Frances J. Santiago, PhD
Generosity, compassion, empathy, and understanding are abundant among international educators, both newcomers and veterans of the field.
Emily Ostenson
Trusting my networking style led to my first international education job—and lessons that I carry with me.
Fanta Aw, PhD
This year's Simon Award winning institutions offer inspiration and hope amid challenging times.