NAFSA's Guide to International Partnerships: Developing Sustainable Academic Collaborations

Increasing in importance over the past decade, institutional partnerships serve as both an internationalization tool and a function of the global higher education landscape. NAFSA's Guide to International Partnerships: Developing Sustainable Academic Collaborations delves into the parameters of international partnerships, identifying sound practices for the cultivation of partnerships that foster deep, sustainable connections internationally.

Reflecting the perspectives of professionals from institutions across North America, the chapters cover a broad spectrum of partnership types, modes, and means of engagement, as well as methods of assessing, scaling, and sustaining them institutionally.

Jane Gatewood, Editor
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Kindle eBook

“The editor and contributors are early leaders in comprehensive partnership identification and stewardship, offering a wealth of insights in connecting international educational mobility, research, and community engagement. Admirably, the authors discuss the benefits and challenges attendant to their recommendations.” —Jeffrey M. Riedinger, vice provost for global affairs and professor of law, University of Washington

“The volume outlines the approaches, trends, outcomes, and all forms of capital required to develop and steward meaningful partnerships across boundaries. What has ultimately been produced is not only a significant reference tool for the field but also an imperative on how behind all successful partnerships are people, communities, institutions, and strategies that need to be considered in systemic, shared, and sustainable ways.” —Hilary E. Kahn, associate vice chancellor for international affairs, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

“This timely publication outlines strategic and tactical considerations for developing, managing, and measuring international partnerships that have meaning, value, and purpose. It should be required reading for presidents, provosts, and senior international officers charged with advancing international partnerships, as well as the faculty and staff who support this important work.” —David L. Di Maria, associate vice provost for international education, University of Maryland-Baltimore County

“Whether one is looking for guidance on how to set up simple or complex partnerships or is seeking tools for broadening, deepening, evaluating, or ending current partnerships, this comprehensive book offers definitions, graphics, and step-by-step guidance for those engaged in partnership building at any level at their institution.” —Sonja Knutson, director, Internationalization Office, Memorial University of Newfoundland

“Jane Gatewood has curated a comprehensive practical guide that provides how-to recommendations and the theories behind them. Every chapter is written by a contributor who is one of the world’s most experienced practitioners in the field. Every chapter addresses a fundamental aspect of international higher education. This book advances the field and will multiply the impact of every institution that uses it.” —Victoria Jones, chief global affairs officer, University of California, Irvine