Regulatory Information

Exchange Visitors and Exchange Visitor Programs

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Sub-topic>Exchange Visitors and Exchange Visitor Programs

Fees, Forms, Filing Procedures

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Sub-topic>Fees, Forms, Filing Procedures

Institutional Obligations and Compliance

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Sub-topic>Institutional Obligations and Compliance

International Faculty, Staff, Researchers

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Sub-topic>International Faculty, Staff, Researchers

International Students and Schools

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Sub-topic>International Students and Schools

U.S. Immigration Systems, Data, Status, and Concepts

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Sub-topic>U.S. Immigration Systems, Data, Status, and Concepts

Visas, Travel, Entry

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Sub-topic>Visas, Travel, Entry
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Topic>Regulatory Information

DHS Fact Sheet on SSNs

DHS Fact Sheet on SSNsThis DHS Fact Sheet is given to students and exchange visitors by the Social Security Administration when an SSA Office's initial query of the SAVE database does not confirm the student or exchange visitor's immigration status.June
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Visa and Immigration Policy: Reform for a System that Works

NAFSA continues to work to ensure an immigration policy that not only protects and enhances the ability of U.S. colleges, universities, and research institutions to benefit from international students, scholars, and those in specialty occupations, but that also presents a face to immigrants and
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NAFSA Core Education Program (CEP) Workshops

For professionals who wish to deepen their current skills, acquire skills in a specialized area, or gain cross-cutting functional skills, NAFSA's Core Education Program (CEP) Workshops introduce best practices and in-depth exploration of job-specific skills in areas including international student
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