Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship

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Topic>Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship

Does Study Abroad Accelerate Personal Growth?

International educators have long sought research studies to support their direct observations: Students, when they return from study abroad, appear more mature than when they left. Is this due to the fact that the students are older, or is there something about the experience abroad that has
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Is a Bologna Process Right for Latin America?

One of the most influential educational trends of the two last decades involves initiatives to con­struct common spaces of tertiary education. These projects—such as the Bologna Process and its core objective, the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)—focus mainly on tertiary education, the
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Finally, Some Movement in Counting Education Abroad

Editors’ note: For years, NAFSA and our members involved in education abroad have argued that limiting counting of study abroad students to those receiving academic credit misses the value of a broader range of experiences. Professionals in the field agree that there is more education abroad
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The U.S. Community College and the Law of the Retarding Lead

The law of the retarding lead is used by political scientists, economists, and anthropologists to describe the phenomenon by which the best-adapted and most successful societies have the greatest difficulty in changing and retaining their lead in a period of transition. Conversely, societies
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Global Learning Rubric

Developed from the 2013 NAFSA Annual Conference session, Defining Global Learning and Aligning Curricular Pathways presented by Kevin Hovland, AACU, the Global Learning Rubric offers a common vocabulary for defining global learning and for identifying the kinds of skills and knowledge associated
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What do MOOCs mean for Internationalization?

Just as it's hard imagine what life was like before the Internet, after 2012's breakout year for Coursera, Edx, and Udacity among others, it's hard to speak about higher education without mention of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Despite conflicting discourse from both critics and supporters
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Collegial Conversations

Throughout the year, NAFSA works with numerous experienced international educators to conduct live, online chats. These conversations are free of charge and generally last one hour. A login is not required for particpants to join the conversation, and interested users can sign up for email reminders
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