Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship

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Post-COVID Higher Education Internationalization

Download the September 2020 Report By John K. Hudzik, PhD As the world struggles through global disruption—of lives, jobs, education, health, safety, economies—we witness again the powerful influence of globalization. Winston Churchill advised, “If you’re going through hell, keep going!” Considering
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Global Learning and Unconscious Bias

How can global and intercultural learning opportunities identify unconscious biases and address prejudices? This Collegial Conversation explored how developing global and intercultural competencies can help faculty, staff, administrators, and students discover their own unconscious biases, and how
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2020: Innovation as the New Global Education

Download the July 2020 Report Read the Spanish version By Nadia Mireles, EdD During the past 20 years, the world witnessed many important changes and transformations, from the globalization and information era, to the knowledge and digital era. By 2020, the world was in the midst of the fourth
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Intercultural Considerations in Developing Our Own Resilience

How can we employ self-compassion, self-care, and resilience in the COVID-19 pandemic so that we can better care for others? As educators, we care for others often at the sacrifice of our own needs. This Collegial Conversation is designed to help our community of supporters articulate their needs
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Assessment and Evaluation for International Educators

Develop a solid foundation for implementing assessment and evaluation for your international education programs. Applying best practices of survey design, focus group, and interview protocols, participants will develop an assessment to meet the growing institutional demand for data-informed driven
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Teaching Interculturally in Virtual Environments

How do you facilitate intercultural communication and understanding in virtual environments? How can virtual learning opportunities develop intercultural competencies? This Collegial Conversation discussed strategies to enhance intercultural communication and explored ways to integrate intercultural
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Developing Proficiency in Intercultural Communication

Developing Proficiency in Intercultural Communicationl [Click and drag to move] Intercultural communication has been identified as a cross-cutting competency within the field of international education. Developing intercultural skills is essential for those who support international students and
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