International Student and Scholar Services

Charlotte West
A conversation with a senior international officer and an international travel and security manager offers insight into how institutions can approach crisis management.
Mark Toner
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has rocked international education. Here’s a look at how some institutions are responding.
Steve Springer
An update to the international education community about NAFSA’s recommendations to U.S. government agencies during the current pandemic.
Karen Doss Bowman
Institutions can take proactive steps to help international students feel secure in the United States.
Meredith Bell, Rachel de Rosset
While Spain is a top destination for students from around the world, the country has struggled to maintain quality and retain students in its higher education system.
Esther D. Brimmer, DPhil
How international educators can stay up to date on the latest information.
Mark Toner
How two entrepreneurial alumni are successfully encouraging their global peers to study in the United States.
Vicki Valosik
U.S. institutions are exploring new opportunities among international high school students.
Charlotte West
Institutions are not only assessing the language proficiency of international students, but also helping students in their adjustment to an unfamiliar educational system and culture.
Charlotte West
Best practices for international educators to help international graduates get a successful start to their professional futures and navigate new regulatory hurdles.