International Student and Scholar Services

John Gallagher
International students already face challenges to their mental health, and the COVID-19 pandemic worsened these challenges. But international educators are getting creative to support students and expand access to mental health resources.
Elizabeth Hendley
Eleven professionals answer six questions about their work going into 2021.
Edward Alden, MA
Will tensions between the United States and China continue to escalate—and will students find themselves caught in the middle?
Erica Stewart
A roadmap for rebuilding and restoring international education leadership.
Karen Doss Bowman
As resources are increasingly stretched thin, forging partnerships across departments on campus can yield results—and these four action steps can help.
Charlotte West
Amid travel restrictions and visa processing delays, U.S. institutions and their partners are getting creative to accommodate international students.
Steve Springer
NAFSA’s Director, Regulatory Practice Liaison, Steve Springer, gives an update on what international educators can expect this fall regarding duration of status and Optional Practical Training (OPT), as well as other developments to watch.
John Gallagher
Leaders are relying on communication, empathy, flexibility, and a little levity to keep staff healthy and motivated.
Charlotte West
As the coronavirus continues to upend higher education around the world, emergency managers look back—and ahead—to build resilient international programs.
Charlotte West
How to help international students who remain in the United States, from navigating housing logistics to providing social and emotional support.